Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PVC Blowguns

What I said before... Three posts in one day? Well, I have a lot of free time, so... Nah, not getting into that discussion again.

Polyvinyl Chloride Nerf Dart Blowgun:


5 pieces of 1/2" PVC pipe, measuring 9 centimeters long or 3.5 inches(I don't know the exact width of pipe for every dart, so I guess you could take a dart like I did to The Home Depot or wherever you're going to measure if it fits. It should fit snugly).
1 piece of 1/2" PVC pipe, measuring 21 centimeters long or 8.5 inches
2 T-shaped 1/2" pipe connectors
1 bent 1/2" pipe connector
2 end caps for 1/2" pipe
Spray paint (optional)

Disclaimer: The thickness I used was for suction cup darts. If you use different darts, find a size for you.

Start with the 21 cm pipe. Put a T-shape connector to one side of it. On the T-shape connector, place two 9 cm pipes. On the bottom 9 cm pipe, place an end cap. On the other, place a T-shape connector with the bottom of the T pointing up. On this put another 9 cm pipe, a bent connector, and another 9 cm pipe. On the remaining side of the T, place a final 9 cm pipe and an end cap. Sorry, but no pictures. By the way, this isn't my invention, check out Search "how to make an inexpensive and powerful nerf gun" in the search box, click, and go through the steps. I sort of modified his design for my own needs. Sorry, no pictures here - my camera isn't working.

(21 cm) (9cm)

T= T connector
B= Bent connector
E= End cap
--------= 21 cm pipe
-----= 9 cm pipe

Make sure you add orange tape or something to the tip because it's required by law to have an orange tip on toy guns. Blow on the open tube. Sorry about the lack of pictures, but my camera isn't loading onto my computer. Anyway, disconnect the 21 cm pipe and place a suction cup dart in the part you stick in to the T-shape, put the tube back in (the back of the dart should be facing the T-connector) and blow through the mouthpiece.

Now, shoot it at your annoying little brother. Go!

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